Saturday, June 26, 2010

Metaphysical gifts

My observant girlfriend spotted this vacant shop in Christchurch as we were travelling around the south island of NZ. I’m intrigued to know if the owners are aware of the profundity and are renting the space as an expensive joke, or is it just a happy coincidence that a shop which is all about the metaphysical just happens to be indeed vacuous - in every sense of the word.


At this very moment in time I'm the newest blogger on the face of the earth. I quite like that idea as I'll never be the oldest but just for this very moment at least I can claim the frivolous title of.... damn, too late.

I hope you can see the idea behind the title, it's an idea which will be hard work to live up to. But indulge me if you will.

I'll endeavour to contribute one post per week.