Tuesday, July 6, 2010


If you are to believe Christopher Hitchens then irony is most important, more so than love… Now this got me thinking.

Following closely from the previous post where the purpose was to point out the irony, much to my own frustration I was not able to, when asked, define irony in such a way I was happy to accept. Ironic non?

I think it’s one of those rare words which most feel an intrinsic understanding for but similar to say the concept like love, find it hard to translate concisely into words. Of course it is easy to look up definitions; the Concise English Dictionary defines it as:

“an expression intended to convey the opposite to the literal meaning….”

However, as I think you’d agree this is perhaps a little one dimensional. It seems rather that one must capitulate and define irony by example. For the ocular feind amoung you I found this shot below. It was too sweet and innocent to pass by.

At great expense to my own sense of pride, I’ve saved the best example till last.

“Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit.” – Oscar Wilde

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