Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Peter Pan

I’ve come to recently understand one of my best friends it appears, is the boy that refuses to grow up. Just like the real Pan, he is a wholly original and strong willed character but with a rather more quiet charisma accompanied by an acute sense of observation.

Peter Pan, just like my good friend, would also very likely fly in, eat, drink and sleep at his friends invitation and then fly out leaving a wake of mess behind. This was perhaps tolerated when we were all boys and girls but things have changed.

Like most boys he ultimately follows the indulgent doctrine of ‘I just want to do what I want to do’. Whilst this doctrine is alluring at first and provides endless attractive possibilities for the mind, if it becomes hardwired and isn’t allowed to mature into a more expanded meaning, it becomes not only toxic to people around him but will limit his own potential for deeper happiness. To borrow Nick Caves words “The worst crime one can commit is to not live up to ones true potential”.

Altruism, or more broadly a contribution to a cause or people that is greater than you is where a huge reserve of happiness and satisfaction is found. Don’t be afraid to take more responsibility, try harder and don’t be unwilling to compromise in the short term. Having a long term goal gives a subconscious clarity to your choices that can only help make you more satisfied.

Give more time to others and build the foundations now that you’ll need to rely on in the future.

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